Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Guidebook Reveals Cover Artwork Ahead Of July 2024 Release
Rabbit and Bear Studios and 505 Games have revealed the cover artwork for the upcoming Perfect Guidebook of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.
This guidebook, planned to be released by Kadokawa on July 29, 2024, will feature 528 B5-sized pages so fans can anticipate various avenues of detailed information.
Notably, maps, characters, towns, minigames, and combat tips are given extensive deep dives alongside compiled data breakdowns. The guidebook also includes a poster, with the back depicting pixel illustrations of the main cast.
Character designer and illustrator Junko Kawano drew this cover artwork, depicting Noah, Seign, Marisa, Garr, Mio, and Lian.
You can view the guidebook cover art and pixel illustrations for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes below:
You can pre-order this guidebook via Amazon Japan for ¥4,400.
In case you missed it, check out our review.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes occurs in Allraan, a continent comprised of numerous nations with mystical rune lenses abound. The Galdean Empire relentlessly seeks to collect an artifact that will amplify the efficacy of their runes’ magic power to expand its magical dominance. Amidst this effort, Nowa, a boy from a remote village, meets Seign Kesling, a young imperial officer, and the duo ends up having to reevaluate their morality after continuous unparalleled tragedy pushes them forward.
This should be no surprise given the name, but players should expect over 100 playable characters, where strong relationships give rise to Hero Combos. Plus, the terrain during these strategic bouts is imperative to take advantage of.
To get a better lay of the land, one can utilize War Mode, where Foresight can command unit actions. It’s not all doom and gloom, though, as the continually cultivated hub hosts various facilities and minigames that will become unlocked the further you progress.
Those wanting to see a bit of the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes world can play the action RPG Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, which features a few characters in a self-contained adventure.
Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
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